Ariel No 1 Brand Recommendation

Ariel No 1 Brand Recommendation

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Ariel No 1 Brand Recommendation


Ariel No 1 Brand Recommendation


Consumer product advertisements are all around us, and graphic designers play a crucial role in creating compelling and effective advertisements that catch the attention of potential customers. In this article, we will explore the Ariel Washing Powder advertisement and how it can inspire graphic designers to create engaging consumer product advertisements.

The Ariel Washing Powder Advertisement

The Ariel Washing Powder advertisement is a green-colored ad featuring two bottles of washing powder, one for front load machines and another for top load machines, placed next to a washing machine. The tagline of the ad reads "Ariel No 1 Brand Recommended by leading washing machine makers worldwide, Endorsed by Chef Sanjeev Kapoor."

The Creative Strategy behind the Ariel Washing Powder Advertisement

The Ariel Washing Powder advertisement is a great example of a consumer product advertisement that uses a creative strategy to promote the product's benefits. The ad highlights the fact that Ariel is the number one brand recommended by leading washing machine makers worldwide, which creates trust and credibility among potential customers. The endorsement by Chef Sanjeev Kapoor adds a personal touch to the ad and creates a sense of reliability.
The use of green color in the ad is also significant. Green is often associated with nature and cleanliness, which aligns perfectly with the product's purpose. The placement of the washing machine next to the bottles of washing powder creates a visual association between the product and its use, making it easier for potential customers to understand its benefits.
How Graphic Designers can take Inspiration from the Ariel Washing Powder Advertisement
Graphic designers can learn several things from the Ariel Washing Powder advertisement to create effective consumer product advertisements. Here are some key takeaways:
  • Understand the Product's Benefits: To create an engaging and effective consumer product advertisement, it is essential to understand the product's benefits and how they can be communicated to potential customers. In the Ariel Washing Powder advertisement, the benefits are highlighted by mentioning the brand's credibility and the endorsement by a popular chef.
  • Use Colors that Align with the Product's Purpose: Colors play a crucial role in creating brand recognition and conveying the product's purpose. In the Ariel Washing Powder advertisement, the use of green color aligns perfectly with the product's purpose, which is to clean and maintain the freshness of clothes.
  • Create a Visual Association between the Product and its Use: Placing the product next to a washing machine in the Ariel Washing Powder advertisement creates a visual association between the product and its use. This technique can be used to create a stronger connection between the product and its benefits.


Consumer product advertisements require careful planning and execution to be effective. The Ariel Washing Powder advertisement is an excellent example of a consumer product advertisement that uses a creative strategy to promote the product's benefits. Graphic designers can take inspiration from this ad by understanding the product's benefits, using colors that align with the product's purpose, and creating a visual association between the product and its use. By following these principles, graphic designers can create engaging and effective consumer product advertisements that catch the attention of potential customers.
Read more: AdsoftheIndia consumer products Newspaper advertisement

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