Tips for Graphic Designers: Rising India Real Heroes Advertisement Inspiration

Tips for Graphic Designers: Rising India Real Heroes Advertisement Inspiration

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Tips for Graphic Designers: Rising India Real Heroes Advertisement Inspiration

Tips for Graphic Designers: Rising India Real Heroes Advertisement Inspiration

Graphic designers are constantly on the lookout for inspiration to create impactful designs that catch the attention of the audience. One such source of inspiration is the Rising India Real Heroes newspaper advertisement published by Poonawalla Fincorp. The tagline of the advertisement is "Rise with the Voices of India", written in tricolor orange, blue, and green, against a blue and white background. In this article, we will explore 10 tips for graphic designers inspired by the Rising India Real Heroes advertisement.

Use Color to Evoke Emotions

The tricolor orange, blue, and green used in the advertisement are not just visually appealing, but also evoke emotions of pride, hope, and growth, respectively. As a graphic designer, it is important to understand the psychology of colors and use them effectively to convey the message of the advertisement.

Keep it Simple

The Rising India Real Heroes advertisement is a great example of how simplicity can be effective. The tagline and the colors are the main elements of the design, and they speak volumes. As a designer, it is important to resist the urge to overcomplicate the design and keep it simple yet impactful.

Use Negative Space

The white space in the Rising India Real Heroes advertisement is just as important as the colors and the text. Negative space, also known as white space, helps in creating a balance in the design and draws attention to the main elements.

Use Typography to Create Hierarchy

The typography used in the advertisement is simple and bold, with "Rising India Real Heroes" written in a larger font size to create hierarchy. As a designer, it is important to use typography effectively to guide the reader's eye and create a visual hierarchy.

Use Symbols to Convey a Message

The tricolor used in the advertisement is not just a design element, but a symbol of India's national flag. Symbols can be a powerful way to convey a message without using words and can add depth to the design.

Use Contrast

The contrast between the tricolor and the blue and white background in the advertisement is striking and helps the main elements stand out. As a designer, it is important to use contrast effectively to create visual interest and draw attention to the main elements of the design.

Use a Consistent Style

The Rising India Real Heroes advertisement has a consistent style throughout the design, with the tricolor used in a gradient style. Consistency in style helps in creating a cohesive design that is pleasing to the eye.

Use Repetition

The tricolor used in the advertisement is repeated throughout the design, creating a sense of unity and harmony. As a designer, it is important to use repetition effectively to create a cohesive design that is easy on the eyes.

Use Negative and Positive Space

The tricolor in the Rising India Real Heroes advertisement is placed in the negative space of the tagline, creating a visual interplay between positive and negative space. As a designer, it is important to use negative and positive space effectively to create visual interest.

Keep the Audience in Mind

Finally, as a designer, it is important to keep the target audience in mind while creating the design. The Rising India Real Heroes advertisement is targeted towards the patriotic Indian audience, and the design elements are chosen to resonate with them. As a designer, it is important to understand the target audience and create a design that speaks to them.


In conclusion, the Rising India Real Heroes advertisement published by Poonawalla Fincorp is a great source of inspiration for graphic designers. By using colors, typography, symbols, contrast, repetition, negative and positive space, and keeping the audience in mind, designers can create impactful designs that

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