Upgrade Your Sleep with Kurl-On: Consumer Product Ad Inspiration

Upgrade Your Sleep with Kurl-On: Consumer Product Ad Inspiration

Ads of the India


Upgrade Your Sleep with Kurl-On: Consumer Product Ad Inspiration

Upgrade Your Sleep with Kurl-On: Consumer Product Ad Inspiration

As a graphic designer, creating an eye-catching and effective newspaper advertisement for a consumer product can be a daunting task. One inspiring example is the recent ad campaign from Kurl-On, "The Mattress of India". Their tagline, "Upgrade to Kurl-On for healthy sleep - Kurl-On the Dream exchange," emphasizes the importance of a good night's sleep and how their product can provide it.

The ad's red background creates a bold and attention-grabbing contrast to the white text and the models holding the mattress. The use of two models, a male, and a female, holding the mattress appeals to a wider audience and showcases the product's versatility. The clean and minimalistic design is easy to read and understand, and the tagline delivers the message effectively.

But what other mattress advertising ideas could you incorporate into your own design? A popular technique is to include a cast of celebrities or influencers in the advertisement. Sleepwell Mattress, for instance, featured actor Amitabh Bachchan in their ads, increasing brand recognition and credibility. Alternatively, you could use customer testimonials or highlight the features of the product, such as its durability or breathability.

When designing a mattress advertisement poster, it's important to consider the target audience. For instance, if you're targeting athletes, you might want to emphasize the mattress's ability to reduce muscle soreness or promote faster recovery. On the other hand, if you're targeting parents, you might want to emphasize the importance of a good night's sleep for children's growth and development.


In summary, the Kurl-On newspaper advertisement provides a great example of how to create an effective consumer product ad. Its use of bold colors, models holding the product, and a clear tagline creates a strong visual impact that is easy to understand. As a graphic designer, consider incorporating these elements into your own work, along with other mattress advertising ideas, to create a memorable and effective campaign.

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