5 Eye-Opening Delhi Police Campaign Advertisements that Convey #IndiaSaysNoToDrugs

5 Eye-Opening Delhi Police Campaign Advertisements that Convey #IndiaSaysNoToDrugs

Ads of the India


The Delhi Police has launched a compelling campaign to combat drug abuse in India. Through a series of thought-provoking advertisements, they aim to raise awareness about the detrimental effects of drugs on individuals and society as a whole. This article delves into the first advertisement of the campaign, featuring the tagline "How much can drugs cost you?" and a powerful portrait of a boy seeking help. Additionally, we will explore the impact of this campaign and anticipate the release of upcoming advertisements that promise to be equally impactful.

Advertisement #1: Tagline - "How much can drugs cost you?"

How much can drugs cost you?

The first advertisement of the Delhi Police's #IndiaSaysNoToDrugs campaign sets a powerful tone with its thought-provoking tagline. "How much can drugs cost you?" prompts readers to reflect on the grave consequences of drug abuse and the high price individuals pay for succumbing to addiction.

The design of this advertisement is visually striking, featuring a captivating portrait that grabs the viewer's attention. By depicting a vulnerable boy seeking help, the campaign invokes empathy and humanizes the issue of drug abuse. The portrait serves as a poignant reminder of the real individuals who suffer due to the grip of addiction.

Moreover, the advertisement incorporates a compelling call-to-action (CTA) by including a QR code and a website link pledge.mygov.in/fightagainstdrugabuse

. This enables readers to access additional information, resources, and support related to drug abuse prevention and rehabilitation. The inclusion of these interactive elements demonstrates the campaign's commitment to providing practical assistance to those in need.

Advertisement #2: Tagline - "Drugs Kill! The first time could be your last."

Drugs Kill! The first time could be your last

Delhi Police's newspaper advertisement on the campaign against drugs delivers a powerful message with its tagline, "Drugs Kill! The first time could be your last." The design utilizes a red background, symbolizing danger and urgency, while a black shadow of a person portrays the gravity of the issue. Intriguingly, a visual metaphor is employed, where an injection emerges from the person's head like a bullet, emphasizing the potentially fatal consequences of drug abuse. This impactful advertisement serves as a stark warning, urging individuals to reject drugs and highlighting the irreversible dangers associated with their usage.

Advertisement #3: This high will lead to deadly lows.

This high will lead to deadly lows

Advertisement #3, part of the Delhi Police campaign "Say No to Drugs," delivers a compelling message with its tagline, "This high will lead to deadly lows." The visual composition features pills and an injection syringe, strategically placed on the floor, symbolizing the dangers of drug abuse. The design effectively communicates the grave consequences of substance addiction, urging viewers to reject drugs. This impactful advertisement, created as part of the Delhi Police campaign, serves as a powerful reminder of the devastating effects of drug use and advocates for a drug-free society.

Upcoming Advertisements:

In addition to the featured advertisement, Delhi Police has promised to release more impactful advertisements as part of their #IndiaSaysNoToDrugs campaign. These upcoming ads are anticipated to further emphasize the severe consequences of drug abuse and reinforce the importance of a drug-free society. Let's await the unveiling of these compelling visuals and messages that are sure to captivate audiences.


Delhi Police's #IndiaSaysNoToDrugs campaign showcases the organization's commitment to combatting drug abuse and creating a drug-free society. Through a series of powerful advertisements, including the impactful first ad featuring the tagline "How much can drugs cost you?" and a moving portrait of a boy seeking help, the campaign raises awareness and encourages individuals to take a stand against drug abuse. As we eagerly anticipate the release of more campaign advertisements, we can be certain that Delhi Police's efforts will continue to inspire and mobilize communities across India.

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